Trust The Science? – CCC015

Hank and Rick have a topical discussion about the transgender movement. How come science doesn’t come into play when the transgender topic comes up? Even acclaimed science believers like Neil deGrasse Tyson buckle under the weight of the liberal backlash … Continued

Should Christians Be Environmentalists? – CCC014

Planet Worship? Hank and Rick from discuss whether or not Christians should be environmentalists. From greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, climate change, deforestation, waste and shrinking fresh water sources are Christians contributing to the devastation of Earth? Have Christians … Continued

Should Christians Play Video Games – CCC013

Hank and TJ from discuss whether or not Christians should play video games. Do video games cause sinful behavior? Can witnessing video game violence desensitize players to real life violence? How much time is “too much” time to invest … Continued

Should Christians Be Political? – CCC011

Christianity and Politics Hank and JP delve into the balance between being a Christians and getting involved with politics. Should Christians align themselves with a particular party? How should a Christian act when their political candidate doesn’t win? Does God … Continued